
DevDigital completes Fast Track IT bidding system

January 29, 2019

Posted by: DevDigital

DevDigital completes Fast Track IT bidding system

DevDigital is pleased to announce that it has successfully completed the building of Fast Track IT’s internal bidding and auction system.

Founded in 2006, Fast Track IT is an online auction marketplace where retailers can bid on various items with one another that they are interested in purchasing. Like any auction site, the user with the highest bidding is awarded the item. Fast Track’s inventory is stocked with items “for less than retail or to sell as an asset liquidation solution.”

“(Fast Track) was running on a legacy system with Filemaker for their lotting and other IT needs,” said DevDigital’s Director of Operations-India Viren Bhavsar, who oversaw the production of their auction system.

“They were using third-party software and paying way too much for subscriptions on both FileMaker for lotting needs and Maxnet for their auction software respectively. We moved them away from their legacy systems by creating a robust lotting app for their lotting needs, along with a bidding engine for their auction software which was more user friendly, faster, more reliable and one that saved them a lot of money compared to their legacy systems. Fast Track IT is now breaking their highest production totals for new products since starting to use the new lotting app that DevDigital has built.”

The partnership with DevDigital and Fast Track was formed in 2016, where the web design company worked on numerous undertakings for the auction site. Fast Track has now sold 760,000 items since October. During its Beta run, Fast Track’s system surpassed over 10 million bids and had over 400,000 items sold.  There are now are 55,000 registered bidders, with the number of bidders growing by five percent each week. 

The system sells over 53,000 items each week, with a two percent increase each week. Users are spending 13 minutes per session on Fast Track. An average of 170,000 bids are placed per day, and 130,000 transactions are made each month with an average sale of $25.80. The goal from the rework of the website was to have an average of $24 per item, which means the rework has allowed Fast Track to get more value out of products. 

DevDigital’s work on Fast Track’s bidding system is one of the numerous projects the company, who recently celebrated it’s 10-year anniversary in 2018, has completed. Other notable projects and partnerships over the past year include, but are not limited to: The Escape Game, Bavarian Bierhaus, Southeast Financial, Accelerated Christian Education, Time Miner, CP Rigging, and Peg Leg Porker.


For more information, please contact:

Andy Simmons


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